Take a deep breath and take a moment to pause and think about your life, the people in it, the circumstances around you, and the day-to-day events.

No, really…do it.

How do you feel? Are you happy and filled with joy and excitement? Or do you feel depressed or anxious?

Are you satisfied with your job, salary, the relationships you have with your intimate partner and your friends? Are you disappointed with some of the people in your life? Do you think there is too much negative energy around you?

Who do you blame for your unhappiness?

Did you know that your everyday reality is a direct reflection of your inner reality? Each and every situation you find yourself in happens because of your inner feelings and thoughts. You probably want more money, a thriving relationship, and to truly feel at ease every day, but your reality is tedious and stressful. If you wonder why, the truth is: You attract what you are, not what you want.

If you want to live the life of your dreams, first you need to become the person of your dreams.

You have to start with focusing on your goals, following your ambitions, and developing plans for yourself.

If you don’t like what you see on the outside, you can change it. Start by addressing what is on the inside. Respect yourself and learn how to love your personality and body, accept your flaws, embrace your differences and discover your talents. The more you love yourself and put the focus on all of your great qualities, you will attract the person you deserve. You are worthy, and you do not have an obligation to settle for less.

What you dislike in others is what you deny in yourself.

The Law of Mirroring is one of the Universal Laws which implies that negative feelings toward others originate within ourselves. Your beliefs and perceptions about reality reflect who you are. So, when you look at your reality, you actually look at what’s inside of you. Your feelings for other people depend on your inner emotions. People who live in alignment are genuinely happy and excited with the presence of others.

When you feel good about yourself, you feel good for others as well.  And the opposite: anger toward others implies that you already had anger inside. You can not give out what you don’t have inside of you already.

Behaviors of other people have nothing to do with your emotions. Your feelings and opinions reflect something about yourself that you hate, but that you might not even be conscious of. If you find yourself constantly annoyed by someone, it’s likely that they possess some of the same annoying qualities that you have and dislike within you.

If you find yourself constantly judging how other people look, it might just be that you are unhappy with yours.

Remember, you can only ever give out what you already have inside of you, so people can not “make” you angry, they can not “make” you sad, they can not even “make” you love. That all comes from inside of you.

If you clean up the negative energy inside of you, you’ll be left with so much love inside that it will become all that you give out to others.

Law of Attraction: You Attract What You Are

Rhonda Byrne reveals the key principle in her book, The Secret: ‘like attracts like.’ You are a magnet, and you attract everything you think and feel.

Energy, chemistry, and vibration are the base of the attraction, and you attract people on the same frequency.

If you value yourself and vibrate positive energy, you will induce a positive response and attract others who have the same vibrational frequency. While no one wants to attract negative energy intentionally, you need to change from within if you notice that your life is not going the way that you want it to. Start focusing on positive things, open your heart, give and care for others and be kind to yourself.

You are the source of your happiness or unhappiness.

Most people are convinced that the outside circumstances dictate the direction in which their lives move. But the truth is: we are the source of everything that happens in our life. Regardless if you feel happiness, sadness or anger, you constantly are sending energetic vibrations of your feelings and thoughts.

People you attract match your frequency, and the result is obvious. If you are filled with anger and irritation, you will attract a person who has the same feelings as yours because of your vibrational frequency.

Understanding the law of mirroring/attraction will help you recognize your emotions and help you make the necessary changes. If you feel happiness deep in your heart, you will achieve alignment, and you will attract other people, situations, and circumstances that also live on that vibrational plane. The law of mirroring will help you reveal the changes you need to make to start feeling better and attracting good things in your life. It is pretty hard to accept that you are the only one responsible for the things you experience. Still, it is liberating to discover why you constantly face failures and disappointments and knowing that you have the power to change it.

4 Reasons Why You Attract What You Are And Not What You Want

The phrase ‘you attract what you are’ is commonly used, and the question is: Do you understand what it means? People tend to focus on what they want. When things are not going as the person would like, they keep wondering what the problem is, why they cannot make progress, and consequently go through the same negative cycle.

Knowing what you want and what you need is not enough. The key to success is to discover what lies inside of you. Once you understand what bothers you, you will make changes and start attracting positive results.

There are four reasons why you attract what you are and not what you want:


1. You don’t really try to look within yourself.


Nobody is perfect, and that is okay. However, it would help if you never let your flaws and imperfections do more harm than good.

What is the secret to attracting positive energy?

There is no secret recipe, but being a good person helps. It is not enough, though. You need to love yourself. Work on your values; be important and worthwhile. However, besides the fact that positive energy attracts positive energy, your fears  will also impact what you attract.

Therefore, if you are afraid that you will be rejected, people might walk all over you. If you are unsure and don’t know how to value your talent, you will probably settle for less than you deserve. If you think that you are not good enough to reach the destination, your dreams might never come true.


2. You don’t learn from your past mistakes.

Making the same mistake over and over again is the worst thing you can do to yourself. If you see a pattern in your behavior and don’t feel good about it, you need to change. Immediately! Never let your fears, negative thoughts, and emotions control you and negatively impact your life. We all have weaknesses, but if you want to feel better and have a better life, you need to stop blaming others or the circumstances for your disappointments. No one is responsible for your misery, and you should not continue suffering. Start making choices that will bring you happiness and enjoyment right now.

Discover what makes you feel bad and work on yourself, especially on your thoughts. Instead of expecting people to understand why you don’t feel good, make the necessary changes.


3. You don’t act like you deserve better.

As I have already mentioned, you attract what you feel and think. If your mind is focused on negative energy and you constantly feel negative emotions, you will always have a negative outcome. It is a harsh truth, but we need to stay honest. Others value you according to how you value yourself. You are worth it, and you deserve the best. Don’t lower your standards, and don’t let others take advantage of you at any cost.

Start valuing yourself, and over time, your unconscious mind will not settle for anything less but the things you deserve. If you constantly doubt yourself, you cannot expect others to believe in you. Work on yourself and try to improve even the smallest things that trouble you.

Convince yourself you are worthy of something great, and others will catch the positive vibe.


4. You don’t align your thoughts and feelings with your desires.

The only way to attract positive energy is to start making changes in your life. You attract what you are, so you need to change if you don’t like your current status. The most important thing to understand is that what you think about expands.

You need to focus your feelings and emotions on positive things and align them with your desires. Dreaming about something is not enough. Focus on positive changes and living the life you’ve always imagined.

You attract what you are – relationships review.

No one intentionally seeks out someone negative and needy, but if you are focused on negative things, you inevitably will attract negativity in your life. If you dream about a loving relationship, you need to learn how to attract a partner to make you feel loved.

The easiest way to blame someone for your failures is to pinpoint the weaknesses and mistakes of the other person. However, the relationship is a two-way street, and both partners have a contribution to it. According to the law of attraction, if your relationship is dysfunctional, it means you attracted a partner with the same negative energy you have inside you. No matter what you dream about, wanting a great relationship is not enough.

What is your opinion about yourself? Do you think you are good enough? Do you think you deserve better? Do you love yourself and care for your well-being?

In the beginning, the process of making changes may seem ridiculous and irrelevant. You need to align several essential aspects: what you say, think, dream about, and believe. This process is not a rushed exercise to get better. The goal is to change your thought system because all experiences impact your perception of the universe. Therefore, acknowledge the fact that your thoughts and emotions are flawed and start changing them. Stop following the toxic pattern and focus your mind and heart on positive energy.

1 Comment

  1. […] the beauty in my life. I was hooked on audio books, youtube videos, and affirmations, all on the law of attraction as I commuted 1.5 hours to and from work every day.  I started to take note of the things I was […]

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