Sex is an intimate act between two (or more) people. It can be passionate, pleasurable, emotional, delightful, pleasant, and the goal is mutual satisfaction. Sometimes sex is awkward or even dull. That is the reason why many people find fun and sexual pleasure in masturbation.

Talking about sex, in general, is taboo, and there are a lot of unanswered questions. In today’s blog post, you can read about masturbation, is it healthy to masturbate, what are the benefits of masturbation; why is masturbation the best way to get pleasure, and are there any side effects?

What is masturbation? An act in which an individual experiences sexual arousal by touching and rubbing their genitals or other body parts: penis, scrotum, clitoris, vulva, breasts, nipples, or even anus. Masturbating means complete enjoyment and intense pleasure to the point of orgasm. When people masturbate, they feel self-pleasure by exploring their bodies and controlling the intensity, pace, and speed.

Experts explain that masturbation is typical behavior, and it is entirely natural. People at any age and gender masturbate and thus discover what makes them feel good sexually and achieve an orgasm. Masturbation provides sexual pleasure, and it is an entirely normal sexual experience.

Why is masturbation the best way to get pleasure?

Masturbation is the safest type of sex: you can’t get pregnant, and you can’t get sexually transmitted infections. This certainly applies when you don’t share sex toys with other individuals.

Overall benefits of masturbation

Most people masturbate with the intent of achieving an orgasm. When you experience orgasm, your body releases hormones, including:

  • Endorphins, a hormone that primarily reduces stress and feelings of pain;
  • Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, is associated with empathy, trust, sexual activity and positively impacts the regulation of stress, pain, and fear.
  • Serotonin, a hormone that impacts the entire body and stabilizes our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness.

Namely, when your masturbation results in orgasm, your body get many health benefits:

  • Increased relaxation and improved mood
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Better sleep
  • Relieved headaches
  • Improved partnered sex
  • Increased sexual satisfaction
  • Higher pain tolerance
  • Improved sleep

Even though masturbation is considered to be self-pleasuring, you can masturbate with your partner, as well. It is fun and has a positive impact on your health. Here’s why:

It improves heart health.

Any activity that gets your blood moving is good for your heart. Similar to exercising and having sex, masturbation increases heart rate and thus gets your blood pumping. The popular belief that rigorous sex can lead to heart attack or stroke is just a myth. In fact, regular orgasms positively impact the health of your heart. According to a report from the Massachusetts Aging Study, men who had sex once a month or less had a 45% greater chance to die of cardiovascular disease than men who had two or more orgasms per week.

Some studies show that masturbation is great for heart health and lowers the risk of weight gain and diabetes type 2. However, it is essential to highlight that masturbation is not a replacement for regular exercise, but it is an excellent supplement to the normal exercise routine.

It boosts immunity.

Masturbation won’t replace the vitamin C your body needs, but some studies have proved that after an orgasm, cortisol levels are slightly increased. Namely, cortisol, the havoc-wrecking stress hormone, actually helps the regulation and maintaining the immune system. Therefore, masturbation can be beneficial in strengthening the immune system. However, it doesn’t mean regular masturbation will do wonders; but most certainly will boost your immune system.

Also, it is interesting to mention that a small study conducted in 2004 showed that 45 minutes after a solo orgasm, participants had more white blood cells.

It helps you sleep better at night.

Many people would agree that masturbation is one of the best sleep aids. Bonus: it’s all-natural and will make you feel good. Namely, after experiencing an orgasm, the levels of endorphins and oxytocin, the feel-good hormones, increase, so you feel more relaxed. While sex before bedtime is excellent, masturbation is a perfect substitute when you are alone, and you cannot sleep.

Some studies show that after experiencing orgasm, your body releases chemicals like prolactin, serotonin, and oxytocin into the brain, all of which are related to happiness and relaxation.
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It can help lower your prostate cancer risk.

According to a Harvard Health Professionals study conducted in 2004, participants who ejaculated more than 21 times a month have a 33% lower risk of prostate cancer than participants who ejaculated four to seven times a month. Additionally, in 2016 researchers contacted some of the participants who ejaculated 8 to 12 times per month, and results showed that they reduced their prostate cancer risk by 10 percent.
The scientific explanation for this is that masturbation that results in orgasm means flushing out toxins through ejaculation.

It strengthens your pelvic floor.

It is scientifically proven that Kegel exercises are the most efficient way to strengthen your pelvic floor. However, masturbation is another efficient way to strengthen your muscles.
Doctors explain that contractions that occur during the orgasm strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. In this way, masturbation is beneficial for the natural treatment of urinary issues like incontinence and erectile function.

It reduces your risk of vaginal infection.

Masturbation is the safest type of sex. When you are having sex with your partner, there is a risk of awkward moments, infections, pregnancy, etc. Self-pleasure is a great way to experience orgasm and eliminate all risk factors.

At the same time, if you are relieved and don’t think about what could happen, you can focus on your pleasure. The stress caused by ‘what if something bad happens’ is natural and prevents complete satisfaction.

It helps you last longer during sex.

Sex therapists explain that some guys don’t last long in bed and the reason for that is not enough practice. While most people think that this refers to practice with other partners, masturbation counts, as well. If guys regularly masturbate, over time, they can extend their sack session. Experts advise masturbation an hour before a date so the guy can have control over the situation. Practice makes guys perfect.

It helps you get to know your own body better.

Masturbation is about exploring your body. Self-pleasure is an excellent opportunity to try new things. Most people who started masturbating at a younger age are convinced they know their body, but things change. Therefore, try a new technique, touch yourself, and refresh your memory.

It can increase the enjoyment during partner sex.

If you know what you really want, you can help your partner to satisfy you. Masturbation will help you understand what you want and need. Communication is the key, so don’t be ashamed to talk about your desires and things that please you.

It boosts your mood.

Dopamine and oxytocin, the feel-good neurochemicals released during masturbation and experiencing orgasm, will make you feel better. You will feel satisfied, happy, and relaxed.

It may help increase your libido.

Masturbating is amazingly pleasurable, and orgasms are delightful. If you experience the satisfaction that results in orgasm, you will want more and more. So, the more you stimulate yourself, the more you will want to enjoy sex.
This is particularly important for women who deal with low libido due to depression, hormones, postpartum depression, etc. The feeling of losing sexuality is awful, and masturbation can be of great help.

Are there side effects of masturbation?

There are lots of myths about masturbation and the side effects of masturbating frequently. Infertility, blindness, mental health issues, sexual perversion and reduced sexual function are just a few of them. While being moderate is healthy and doesn’t have harmful side effects, if masturbation becomes compulsive, it can be problematic.

Addiction to masturbation

Sometimes people develop an addiction to masturbation. If you are obsessed with masturbation and skip your chores or daily activities, miss work (or school) and dedicate yourself entirely to self-pleasuring, it would be helpful to visit a health expert.

Masturbation and guilt

Another aspect of masturbation is the feeling of guilt due to cultural, spiritual, or religious beliefs. While masturbation is not an immoral act, some cultures and religions believe that getting pleasure while masturbating is “dirty” and “shameful.”

Talking to a sexual health specialist can be helpful in this situation.

The bottom line.

Some people masturbate daily or more, others masturbate once in a while, and all varieties are considered normal. Self-pleasuring is excellent because you can do what you want, whenever you want.
Generally speaking, masturbation is healthy and safe. As long as masturbation doesn’t interfere with your daily activities, there is nothing to worry about.

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