I’ve always felt this special connection to him. I’ve told him before, “I loved you before I even knew why.” And that’s the truth. Something about him made me want to be a better woman, even very early on.
If you can relate to that, then maybe you’ve met your Twin Flame. If you’re not sure, this quiz can help you find out… but let me explain my story further. It’s kind of a strange one!
I think a part of my infatuation was that for over a year, I had been intentionally practicing getting in touch with myself.
I was meditating, healing, manifesting, and minding my own business.
I was learning how to love myself and finally began to see the beauty in my life. I was hooked on audio books, youtube videos, and affirmations, all on the law of attraction as I commuted 1.5 hours to and from work every day. I started to take note of the things I was manifesting when I felt my best.
My intentional manifesting was actually working! If you don’t know what manifesting and Law of Attraction are, check out my blog here: What is the Law of Attraction in Spirituality
So, when Ashton came along with such a strong hold on me, I thought , “Whoa, am I manifesting this?!” Well, of course I was!
We are ALWAYS manifesting. Whether it’s good or bad, everything that we experience in life is a result of our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
I remember being at my most “aligned” in this phase of my life when Ashton showed up. So, that’s how I knew that this connection was a strong one; I just didn’t know that it would ever be to this extent. I’ve heard the question before: “When did you know he was the one?”
And I have 2 answers for that:
One is….ALWAYS! I had fallen in love with him way sooner than I’d like to admit.
And second answer is….
Now, just to preface this…I am the psylicibin mushroom queen! I am literally a freak of nature and can take high amounts of it, even more than what is considered to be the “Heroic Dose”.
Please keep in mind, I only take mushrooms when I feel like I have an energy blockage, or if I just really want to tap in with myself — never to party with. (Mushrooms are often called “The Golden Teachers” and I have come to respect them deeply.)
Also, I am in no way promoting the use of psylicibin mushrooms.
I had planned my trip the night before. These trips can last for 6+ hours, so it’s something you have to dedicate a lot of time to. I like to do my trips during the day so that I won’t be up all night, although usually my trips are so insane that I end up awake all night thinking about them anyways.
I woke up that morning ready to prep for my trip. I like to set up my environment a certain way to make sure I’m in a safe and comfortable setting, that isn’t messy or distracting. The more peaceful it is around you, the more peaceful you are inside.
I chose the bedroom to be my setting this time. I cleaned and saged the room as I sipped on my mushroom tea. It usually takes about 30-40 minutes for it to take effect, so as I waited I kept thinking about what my intention was for this trip.
It’s usually something like, “wisdom, clarity, and divine knowledge.” I like to keep it broad, and then just flow wherever my trip takes me, knowing I will come out learning what I was truly seeking the answers to.
It was starting to kick in.
I knew this because the shapes on the mandalas I had hung up were starting to move. I went to the office and let Ashton know I was about to start and gave him a kiss. “Have a good trip!” He said, knowing that I would be locked in the room for the next few hours.
I like doing my trips alone and undisturbed so that I can just go with the flow and not hold back. Ashton let’s me do my thing and is there when I’m done to hear all about it. He is actually the one that introduced me to mushrooms. He had told me about a very eye opening experience he had, and I always wanted to try them.
Even though I’ve done many trips since then, I still could never fully explain to you what a trip feels like —but I can try. To me it feels like:
Home. Love. Peace. One. God. Bliss. Awe. Light. Knowledge. Me. You.
Again, I’m not saying that you should go out and do shrooms; in fact, I don’t think they are for every body. You definitely have to be in the right mind set, or it could get a little scary for you.
Ultimately, a trip is you just facing yourself. A mirror that reflects deep into your soul, and not everybody is ready to do that.
Me, though.. I like to go there! I like to be all up IN my soul like, heeeyyy!
Being brave enough to face my deepest fears has lead me to some of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had in my life, the form of “trips”. Experiences that seem unreal, but have impacted my life so greatly that I don’t care what other people think about it.
My trips usually involve Ashton, but this one in particular was one I will never forget.
How I found out he was my twin flame.
Mind you, I had never even heard of the term “Twin Flame” before this “trip”. The only reason I know it now is because after the trip I immediately googled:
“What does it mean when you and your partner have the same soul?”
I knew it sounded crazy and that it was a long shot, but I searched it anyway, and BOOM.
Twin Flame this, Twin Flame that.
“A twin flame is your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical beings. It’s one soul split into two bodies.”
WOW, spot on! So let me tell you about what happened on my trip and why I will never question his love for me!
Long story short:
Yes. I was him, he was me…there was no difference. It’s hard to explain the “knowing” feeling there is when you are in this zone. You just KNOW. There was no denying that I was in fact, him.
It now made sense to me why it always sounded weird to call him my “boyfriend”. It always felt much stronger than just that. I felt like I downloaded his consciousness and understood him inside & out.
The best part was…I got to feel his love for me! It was undeniable. I felt how deeply and genuinely he cared for me. I felt the impact my love had on him. I felt how our love helped us love ourselves. And most of all, I understood how we are a direct reflection of each other.
Even though I was in my room alone, you couldn’t tell me that Ashton was not in there with me too. I laughed and cried with the Ashton that was inside of me. We even heard the “real” Ashton in the kitchen and joked about how he had no clue what is actually going on. That’s how real it was.
After that trip, I never had to wonder or worry about how he feels about me. I walked out of the room smiling saying, “You’re stuck with me forever!”
That experience has helped me through so many different situations where I normally would have second-guessed our relationship. I’m so glad to know that he loves me just as much as I love him.
You don’t need to do shrooms to have this same realization in your own relationship. Trust that your partner loves you just as deeply as you, and remember that if you ever start to doubt it.
At its core, Twin Flame love is about spiritual growth, and its purpose is to awaken your soul. The purpose of discovering your twin flame is to speed up your growth, to release wounds, remove blockages, and lead you to true self-love.
Here are 7 signs that you’ve found your Twin Flame:
1. Undeniable Synchronicities
Twin flames often have a sense of synchronicity. As the relationship unfolds, twin flames will find that they have a share the same morals and interests. Moreover, twin flames often uncover plenty of strange “coincidences” and similar past experiences.
Ashton and I have PLENTY! Our names are probably the most obvious synchronicity (Ashley & Ashton). I share the same exact birthday as his only sister. We both named our Maltese dogs “Kobe” had similar childhoods, but lived across the country from one another. We both worked at the same company together TWICE. The list goes on.
Can you think of any bizarre synchronicities with your partner?
2. You’re Inspired to be a Better Person
The purpose of a twin flame relationship is to awaken you to your untapped potential and ignite a fire deep inside of you. This relationship pushes you to do and be better, and at the end of the day, it opens up a world of possibilities you never even dreamed of. Twin flame love is incredibly powerful and it serves a distinct purpose; it elevates you to a better version of yourself.
Ashton’s pursuits inspire me to further my own. His belief in me gives me strength. His wise words encourage me when I’m down. His motivation challenges me to evolve. His love and respect for me boosts my confidence. The right relationships will bring out the best in you while accepting the worst of you.
Does your partner uplift you in this way?
3. It Feels Like You’ve Known Them Your Whole Life
You will have an instant, intense bond with this person. You will be able to share your innermost thoughts and tell this person things that you have never said out loud before. Your twin flame will be able to resonate with those feelings that you thought nobody else could understand.
This is why you will be able to heal with this person. You both understand each other on the deepest levels. On your 1 year anniversary you will feel silly because you feel like you’ve known each other for a lifetime!
It’s been 3 years for us and we are still shocked at how much we have learned and grown and healed in this time, and wonder how we went our whole lives without each other.
4. You Balance Each Other
What one person is lacking, the other has plenty of. You are the Yin to their Yang, the peanut butter to their jelly, the sugar to their spice. Maybe one of you is very outgoing while the other is more reserved and you join forces and help the other to balance out.
For us, I’m more of the creative brain while Ashton is very analytical. Together we are able to create successful businesses, among other things.
5. You’re Willing to Do Things for Them That You Don’t Usually Do
There are so many relationships that end simply because someone was not willing to make a small change or sacrifice. I haven’t been the best with communicating my feelings, but with Ashton I was willing to allow myself to become vulnerable. He made me feel safe and I wasn’t going to allow myself to lose him over my fear or pride.
Ashton was worth going there for.He was worth the embarrassing stories I had to tell him about my past, he was worth learning how to cook for, and he’s definitely worth merging my life with and moving in together.
All of those things I was not willing to do in past relationships, but they all happened easily when it came to my twin flame.
Do you notice yourself happily changing for your partner in these ways?
6. You Are Not OK When You Are at Odds
If you ask any of my ex’s, they would probably say that I have a problem with not being able to apologize. That I’m stubborn and hold a grudge. I’ll admit it, that’s how I used to be. I didn’t care much if we were in an argument. I was so full of anger that I wanted them to hurt and I didn’t care to talk to them for days.
With Ashton, I am able to see the bigger picture. That there is nothing in the world more important than our love. I am always quick to apologize and make amends because something inside of me knows that us being apart is not the answer. Something inside of me wants him to feel good at all times and knows that hurting him would only be hurting myself.
If hurting your partner also hurts you, maybe they’re your twin flame!
7. You Know That You Are Meant for Bigger and Better Things
Have you ever felt held back from your full potential in a relationship? Like their goals were not aligned with yours and so you had to settle? Not with your twin flame! Once you’ve found this person, so many doors will open up for you both as you discover both of your true passions and desires.
Since you both care about the others success, you will start to really see the power that your love has on one another. Both of you will push each other to reach their full potential because you see something in each other that is bigger than yourselves.
Together you help each other reach heights you never dreamed possible!
Don’t forget to take the “HAVE YOU FOUND YOUR TWIN FLAME QUIZ”