‘What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.’ – Buddha

Have you ever heard about the 12 Universal Laws? What about the Law of Attraction? Does it sound interesting? In today’s article, you can read about spiritually aligned life, the Law of attraction, and how it works in practice.

Let’s start with answering the question: ‘What is The Law of Attraction in spirituality’? in few words. The Law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that all thoughts turn into things eventually. Namely, positive thoughts bring positive results, and negative ones bring negative outcomes.

Sounds fascinating, right? But, can our thoughts determine our experience? Can we really change our everyday life if we succeed in thinking positively? Can we control our health, finances, and relationships by controlling our thoughts?

It is believed that the Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe among all 12 Laws. Our thoughts are constantly in motion: our life is driven by our thoughts, and it is up to us to start thinking positively. Don’t forget that positive energy attracts positive energy.

The History of the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction became popular in recent years. Namely, the release of the film “The Secret,” as well as the self-help book by Rhonda Byrne, “The Secret,” published in 2006, attracted attention to this philosophy. However, this concept is not exactly new. There is evidence that back in the early 19th-century, there was an approach known as “New Thought.” However, it is considered that Buddha laid the first foundations of this persuasion.
There is no scientific evidence for the Law of Attraction and its power; therefore, many people consider this theory part of pseudoscience.

What is the Law of Attraction?

If you want a short definition, it is okay to explain that the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract whatever you think about into your life. It is interesting how the human mind attracts everything into life, knowingly or unknowingly. If you focus on positive things, you will attract positive things in your life. The mind is a magnet and reflects everything you think about. However, to make the Low of Attraction work, you need to set your thoughts and actions on the same frequency.

What is your goal? Finance?; Success in your business?; Better health?; Changing your body shape?; Stronger relationship and love life? You have the power to change things.

The most common mistake people make is trying to change the outside situations of life. According to the Law of Attraction, your mind has all the answers you need. Your life depends on your thoughts and if you want a real change, start by changing your way of thinking.

What isn’t the Law of Attraction?

Even though positive thinking will attract positive energy and things will change, the process of change cannot be successful if you don’t take action. You can’t expect your dreams to come true if you don’t make an effort.
For example, if you want to lose weight, positive thinking won’t make that happen; instead, you have to exercise. If you’re going to improve your relationship, you have to find a way to work it out: talk, love, and take action. It would be too easy if positive thinking can bring us money: but financial success requires hard work.

The Laws of Attraction

According to the advocates, the central universal principles of Law of Attraction are:

  • Like attracts like: as we already mentioned, positive attracts positive. Therefore, you attract people who are similar to you. If you think positively about a certain situation, the outcome will be positive. On the other hand, negative thinking attracts negative experiences. Your mind will either help you to experience something positive or something negative, depending on your thoughts.
  • Nature abhors a vacuum: there is no space for everything. If you want to bring positive things, you need to remove all of the negative things from your mind. It is impossible to have completely empty space in the human mind: if you experience negative things, then you need to remove the negative thoughts and make space for the positive ones.
  • The present is always perfect: the idea of this Law is that you can always do something to make things better. It may seem that the present moment is already destroyed, but if you focus on positive things, you will attract positive energy.

How to Practice? Tips and tricks:

The Law of Attraction suggests that we create our reality. If you want to draw positive things, then you need to focus on positive things. This sounds simple, but many people cannot figure out how to realize that.
By following and incorporating the following things, you will attract positive energy in your life:

  • Be grateful for everything you have;
  • Visualize your goals and make a plan about how to achieve them;
  • Note the positives in any situation;
  • Learn how to identify negative thinking, which will help you to remove the negative energy from your life;
  • Use positive affirmations and practice acceptance;
  • Reframe the negative events more positively; you cannot avoid negative situations altogether, but you can find something positive in that situation;
  • Journaling: write down your thoughts. That will help you to recognize your mistakes, patterns that lead to negative thinking and will indicate whether positive or negative thoughts are dominant;
  • Practice positive self-talk: many people are highly self-critical, so setting a goal to make positive self-talk each day will be very beneficial;

In certain situations in life, the Law of Attraction won’t bring you an immediate solution, but results will come sooner or later. Positive thinking and being optimistic is important for the process of change.

Once you understand that life offers you astounding possibilities, and it is up to you to make choices and create your future, you will start adjusting your thoughts. If you don’t like where you are now, and you don’t like the things happening to you, make a change. Start with changing your thoughts. No matter how big your goals are and what you want to achieve, you can do it!

Another aspect of the Law of Attraction that should be explained is that it is not a punishment. Namely, individuals who are not still familiar with this law believe that they are not allowed to have bad thoughts once they start practicing this law. However, we are all humans, and it is natural to have low vibrations at some point in life. Nobody is perfect, and the Law of Attraction is supposed to make people feel better and lead a better life, not to stress that it will somehow mess up their lives.

Spiritual Effects

Positive mantras are a spiritual way to visualize your goal and then reinforce it with the universe. Sometimes it may seem that the Law of Attraction distracts you from your spirituality, but that is not true. It is not wrong to want more and to want beautiful things in life.

Another interesting aspect of the Law of Attraction and spirituality is its connection to health. Namely, positive thoughts may help you to improve your overall health. Some of the benefits of positive thinking are reduced stress, lower depression, rare or no anxiety periods, and better overall well-being.

It is important to mention that spirituality and the Law of Attraction do not have scientific explanations. Therefore, it would be irrational to expect that positive thoughts can help you heal certain severe diseases, for which it is necessary to take prescribed medications.

If you focus on your dreams, fulfill your mind with positive thoughts, and ignore the negative energy and things that make you feel frustrated, you will change your energy frequency. Your mind is your ally in bringing positive things into your life. If you focus on positive things, you will attract positive experiences. Keep in mind that once you connect with the universal intelligence, you will discover what you should actually do.

The Law of Attraction in Love and Relationships

Do you dream about an abundance of love? Do you dream about having an idyllic relationship? The solution is quite simple: focus on love. In order to attract love, you need to be the love you want to attract. And that is! The Law of Attraction is that simple!

Be generous to yourself and create a love vibration that will draw more love into your life. It is also important to cherish and be grateful for the things you already have in your life. Then, focus on the things you want to attract.

When we talk about love and the Law of Attraction, it is important to exclude the possibility of you resisting it subconsciously. In other words, if you constantly meet unavailable people, the reason for that might be your mind: something inside probably is still unavailable. This blockage will reject possible intimate partners. Therefore, set your mind to an open approach to relationships. Focus on what you truly want and wait for the universe to make its magic: your perfect partner may be right the corner.

On the other hand, if you want to attract a specific person, you can do it. With the help of the Law of Attraction, you can adjust your mind and improve every aspect of your reality. Some people may want to improve their relationship or reconcile with their ex. No matter in which situation you are, change is possible if you really want that. Anyway, it would help if you focused on yourself. You are the person who needs a change of the way of thinking. Start with setting the positive thoughts and appreciating what you already have; be confident and have fun; love and enjoy without fear of getting hurt.

To summarize: you can’t control everything, especially not the circumstances. However, you can control your mind and your responses to situations in which you are. The Law of Attraction will help you to stay optimistic and have a proactive attitude.

1 Comment

  1. […] This stuff was actually working! If you don’t know what manifesting and Law of Attraction are, check out my blog here: What is the Law of Attraction in Spirituality […]

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