Imagine actually having the romantic relationship of your dreams. I mean really pretend that it’s right there in front of you. You have now made it a reality. How does it feel? The joy and peace are indescribable, but beyond explanation because they come from directly within yourself.

As creators of our own reality , our task is to take energy potential (i.e., vibration) and turn it into physical reality. The Universe provides the energy potential for us to manifest whatever we desire, but our intention must be governed by love.

When we act as vibrational beings, manifesting from a place of love, everything becomes possible. When you manifest something from a place of lack or perceived need  your vibration will attract more of the same.

The trick is to deliberately manifest from love, and this means loving yourself first. When we attract something that we don’t love, it’s not really what we want because manifesting is an exchange between energy potential and our consciousness. Our desires create the frequency of vibration that attracts what matches it. When we manifest without love, we will get lack.

The Universal Law of Attraction is one of the most misunderstood concepts in manifesting. It’s not about forcing a relationship with love  but rather simply realizing that relationships are attracted through the vibration created from our thoughts and feelings. It’s not even about manifesting the specific person into your life; it’s manifesting more love, because love is the vibration from which relationships manifest.

It’s not about manifesting perfection; it’s manifesting love.

And as manifestors , our relationship with love is the most important aspect of all. When we want something and positively focus, the Universe always matches it with an equal amount of love. The more love you have for yourself and others when focusing on a relationship, the better vibration you’ll create.

If you don’t know how to manifest with love, then focus on nothing at all until you do.

To manifest with love, check on your thoughts and feelings to make sure they’re coming from a good place. Then, turn your attention toward what you want to manifest — for example, “I am manifesting an abundance of unconditional love in my life.” Now notice how you feel as you do this.

If you feel like a love magnet, then you’re manifesting with love. If you feel needy or desperate for love, then your manifesting is coming from lack. Until the frequency of your thoughts and feelings matches what you want, you are not manifesting positively.

It’s important not to get stuck manifesting with a lack of love, because manifesting from lack guarantees that you’ll keep getting more of the same. If you’re manifesting from a place of neediness, such as “I don’t have enough money”, “I am lonely”, “I need to get married”, then all of those thoughts will keep expanding.

If manifesting with love is a challenge for you, then try maintaining the thought to yourself that greater love is coming into your life. This way, even if the manifesting process goes wrong during your initial thoughts, it will automatically correct itself since your vibration matches what you’re feeling .

Also, manifesting from love does not require you to attract something that will completely change your life . One of the most beautiful aspects of manifesting is that we can create great things — like relationships and material wealth — in our lives in small ways. Some people will see a complete turnaround with just one meditation. Others manifest by attracting small changes — like the right bus or plane seat, a great parking space, a smile from a stranger on the street, manifesting a small amount of money in their pocket at just the right time .

When deliberately manifesting with love , you don’t need to attract something huge if your desire is small. Just treat it as if you were manifesting something huge, because the Universe is always creating bigger possibilities than what we’re even imagining. The more love you have for yourself, and the more you manifest that love outwardly with positive thoughts and feelings, and the higher you will vibrate, thus aligning you with your desires.

How to empower yourself

Empower yourself by saying empowering affirmations. Acknowledge that you love and appreciate yourself. Spend time with people who are positive and try to deliberately manifest the relationships that you want in your life. You will attract great things in your life when you feel good inside.

Try using empowering affirmations, for example: “I feel good inside.” or “I love myself” or anything else positive that you can think of. Say it as many times as you can, every day, until eventually you really mean it and feel that way about yourself.

This seems like a simple thing to do but this is the first step to manifesting the relationship of your dreams: empowering yourself by manifesting love for yourself through affirmations and positive thinking about who you really are.

Once you love and appreciate yourself, manifesting love through your relationships will be a much easier and faster process.

Try manifesting the relationship of your dreams by being around people who have the kind of qualities that you can see in that person. For example, if you want someone with a great sense of humor then spend time with funny people.

It’s not really as magical and complex as it sounds like it should be, just take some time to think about what attributes you want from the other person in your relationships, and stop spending time with people you know already do not have those attributes.

  • manifest relationships by maintaining love for yourself through positive affirmations
  • manifest love in your relationships by surrounding yourself with positive and loving people

Once you feel good about yourself, manifesting romantic relationships will be much easier and more likely manifest in a positive manner. Remember, loving yourself is the first step to manifesting love in your relationships.

Filtering out your negative thoughts

You might not realize it, but a lot of our thoughts manifest themselves through words. If you repeat the same kind of negative thoughts about yourself and who you are over and over again- for example, the words “I’m bad” or “I’m ugly” then your subconscious mind will manifest those negative thoughts into truth.

It’s not just the words, though. Your subconscious mind will manifest your negative thoughts into reality because it wants to protect you from what it sees as an inevitable disaster. It does this by manifesting these bad thoughts as a means of trying to help you change them into good ones.

The first step in attracting the things that we need is to filter out all the negativity that we have in our thoughts. We produce negativity into reality by the things that we say and think, so it’s necessary to maintain positive words and thoughts in order to manifest what you desire.

To stop manifesting the negative thoughts into reality, just consciously filter them out. Don’t act on the thoughts; don’t verbally express them and don’t believe them.

Bad thoughts will become reality because our subconscious minds want to protect us from perceived danger.

What you think about expands like Wayne Dyer once said. When manifesting, keep your focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want.”

In the end, it is all about you. You have to love yourself first before you can attract a partner who will love and respect you unconditionally. It’s your job to practice feeling good inside by practicing manifesting techniques like filtering out your bad thoughts and meditation.

What types of things make you feel good inside? Send me a message on Instagram and join the Hive so I can share some more empowering information with you!

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