It’s hard to escape this word these days, and it seems like the more we hear about “manifesting”, the less sense it makes. In a nutshell, manifesting is using your thoughts to bring opportunities into your life based on what you want most. You can manifest negative things as well, but overall it’s all about focusing on attracting positives into our lives.

The Law of Attraction states that you attract things into your reality by way of thought energy – so it’s no wonder why manifesting as become popular! We are all natural thinkers, so that means we have the power to have anything that we want.

By thinking deliberately, positively and proactively, you will attract positive energy, and thus you will control your future in incredibly unique ways. And vice versa, if you focus on obstacles and problems that may or may not appear, you will experience a negative outlook and unconsciously create that in your reality.

Manifesting is based on believing that you attract anything you are focused on. The human mind is astonishingly potent and can turn our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs into an actual reality.

By focusing your mind on positive things and working toward your dreams and desires, you can manifest love, money, a job, or your perfect home.

If you’re not sure about manifesting to your fullest potential, don’t knock it before you try it. I know that many people are skeptical of the practice, but if it resonates with you then give yourself an opportunity to explore all its possibilities!

To me, manifesting is very personal and a little bit difficult to comprehend at first glance; however I have found that there always seems to be some sort of correlation between what we think or say and how our life eventually turns out. For example: if someone’s thoughts or words tend towards negativity, then their reality will also seem negative in turn because they’re continually building up the idea with each passing thought – just take a look at their life and habits for proof!

You’ll notice when either yourself or someone else is constantly negative, always gossiping, or always so down on themselves, they will only continue to live a cycle of not having anything that they want in life. On the other hand, ask any successful and happy person their philosophy on life and I guarantee you they will bring up The Law of Attraction in some capacity or another.

Feeling good brings to you more things that feel good! You are a magnet and your thoughts have the electrical pull.

See, we are always manifesting whether we are aware of it or not, because we are constantly thinking, then feeling emotions based on those thoughts, and then acting based on those emotions. So, our thoughts really are creating our reality.

It’s hard for people to grasp the concept that thoughts have power in the first place, because we were born with thoughts and we don’t have to put in any effort to produce them. It is a powerful tool that is with us 24/7 and so obvious, yet many people are oblivious to it. Many damaged people do not have a good relationship with their thoughts, so they may try to disregard them altogether, but this method will never work to bring you what you want out of life.

Question: What do thoughts and WiFi have in common?

Let’s see…they are both invisible, weightless, yet extremely powerful and useful in our lives! Do you even know what Wifi really is? What it’s made out of? How it was created? Where it is sourced from? Who controls it? NO, yet we still believe in its power and use it everyday.

Your mind is a million times more powerful than WiFi could ever be. Believe in it. It’s there. Just because you don’t see the waves from WiFi doesn’t mean they are not there. It’s the same with your thought waves and the frequencies we are all emitting.

You have the power to do anything you want and be whoever you want. Having a great life is NOT just for other people, it’s for YOU. The idea of manifesting is very, very simple. You create in your reality what you think about and focus on the most. The Universe is like, “Oh, this must be what you want because that’s what you keep thinking about. Let me give you more things like this in your life!”, no matter if it is good or bad. That part is entirely up to you, the Universe will always do its job.

It can be hard to train yourself into thinking and feeling and acting in a more positive way when you are used to stress and anxiety, but let’s try some simple steps to help you begin to manifest the life you know you deserve.

By following these steps, you can manifest anything and everything. So, let’s start!

Determine your goals: Visualize what you want to manifest and “ask” the Universe

The first and most important step is of course to set a goal. What do you daydream about? What do you know that you need to do but don’t prioritize? Focus on what you most want to achieve: get a better job; find your soulmate; improve your overall health; lose weight; or buy a car; the possibilities are really endless.

Ask yourself: What do I want to pursue? At this point in my life, what are my priorities?

Once you make a decision to start manifesting, it is crucial to visualize what you want. There are several guidelines to help you decide: start meditating; try visualization; start writing a journal with your goals, and mark the important ones.

Recently, I saw an interesting method on TikTok called the 3, 6, 9 method: write down your goal three times in the morning, six times at noon, and nine time before bedtime, every day.  Also, you can use this method differently: write the focus three times, the intention six times, and the action that you want to happen nine times. Another interesting technique is to focus your mind and think about your goal for 17 seconds.

This 17 second period is said to be the minimum amount of time that it takes to give a thought real momentum.

When you choose what you want to manifest, it is important to know why you want this specific thing to happen first, and you should connect with your intention. It is essential to believe that this goal can be attained in the upcoming period, because it really can.

Focus all of your energy and try to ‘see’ your goal in your mind and let the positive thoughts and feelings dominate.

Multi-sensory visualization could be of great help: try to see, hear, smell, touch, and even taste the outcome you dream about. Making your goal as real as possible will attract positive energy because you will feel your goal like it’s already yours.

The next step in manifesting is to “ask” the Universe to give you what you want to achieve. Outwardly tell your dreams and goals to your family and friends. Make a picture in your head of how your life would change when your dreams come true.

Get Rid Of Things That Stand In Your Way

I’ll be honest with you, this will not be easy. There will be obstacles that will stand in the way of your success. Sometimes more often and sometimes less frequently, but you will face specific problems sooner or later. However, you should not step back and be scared. There will be things that will slow you down, but trust me… they are all a part of the manifestation process.

There are a few manifestation blocks, and the most common are:

  • Negative mindset/ negative beliefs
    Emotions have a tremendous impact on our lives, so you need to get into a positive mindset if you have negative feelings. You cannot expect a positive outcome and successfully manifest the things you want if your mind and heart are filled with negativity. Focus on positive things to attract positive things into your life. Practice stress-relief techniques and take care of your overall well-being.
  • Toxic people
    The process of manifesting requires total commitment, and toxic people will hold you back. Therefore, get rid of anyone who is not supporting you, who doesn’t believe in your abilities, and anyone who criticizes you and blocks you from focusing on positive things. You know who they are. It is also important to let them go with love, not hate. Understand that they served a purpose in your life at one point and be grateful for that, but now you have outgrown them and the negativity that they bring.
  • Timing
    Don’t rush – some things cannot happen overnight. Everything you want and manifest will occur at the right time and for the right reasons. Don’t doubt the power of manifesting: keep believing and focus on your goal. Everything that you are experiencing today is a result of old thoughts and actions. Your current circumstances do not exactly match how you intend to feel right here, right now. Manifesting takes time, so as long as you are committed to consistently improve your thoughts, feelings, and actions, you will start to see more and more of the things you really want out of life.

Take action to get what you want.

Manifesting positive things in your life means focusing your thoughts and mind on positivity, but you also need to take tactile actions to bring you closer to your goal.

Many people falsely believe that thinking positively will do all of the work for them, but that is so far from the truth. Deliberate manifesting will bring you more thoughts of clarity and inspired action. All of the fun in creating your reality is the work and action that you put in! We think that we would be happy if we just thought one time about what we wanted and it appeared before our eyes, but the truth is that it would become very boring to us as humans thrive off of expanding, not having things come to them so easily.

Keep in mind that taking action doesn’t mean you should force yourself and push to your limits. Just the opposite: manifesting should be a process in which you focus your mind on positive things, and during this process, you should feel relaxed and happy. However, if you feel the urge to do something and feel it in your gut – do it! Don’t hesitate to do things that feel natural.

An action plan is always a good idea. No matter how big or small your goal is, you can divide it into small and simple steps. This has always worked for me. For instance, if you want a promotion and a bigger salary, plan how to achieve that. Think about the small, baby steps you should take. Check your skills and attend a course to improve your knowledge. Ask for expert pieces of advice that will point you in the right direction. Hop on youtube! Learn, expand, grow.

We can all probably think of 20 things about ourselves and our lives that we want to change right here, right now, but that gets so overwhelming that we end up defeated before we even start.

Think of some of the things you want to change right now. Is it something physical about yourself? Is it a personality trait you have? Is it something at work? Is it a bad feeling you have inside on a certain subject?

The trick is to start with just ONE thing. Yep, one. And choose the easiest one to fix or change. This one thing should now be your main focus from this very second, until you have fixed/changed/eliminated this from your list of things.

Focus is EVERYTHING. We are so stimulated everyday by people, work, our phones, tv, and anything that can really distract you from what you actually need to be focused on, which is yourself.

If you intentionally took the time to focus on fixing or changing just one small thing in your life, you will automatically put yourself in the “manifestation mode”. By focusing positively on that one thing, you put your mind in the position to tell the Universe “I like changing things for the better in my life. I want to change more things in my life. Give me more ideas, strength, and energy to change more!”

Adjust your mindset

The mindfulness work is probably the most critical part. The process of manifesting your goals is based on positivity and gratitude. As I already mentioned, the law of attraction emphasized that you need to send good vibes to attract good vibes.

It would be helpful to reflect on your thought patterns. If you are insecure, have doubts, and think you aren’t good enough, it is time to take a break and establish new self-beliefs. Low self-esteem and suspicion in the process will prevent you from achieving your goals.

It is always a good idea to ask yourself: How can I make changes to believe I deserve the best? How do I align my self-beliefs and the things I’m asking for?

Another important thing is to keep your mind open and think wisely; sometimes, the opportunity you need to take may look different from your original plans and ideas.

Recognize and appreciate

This final step might seem irrelevant and unnecessary at first glance, but it is essential for shaping your future manifestations.

Being genuinely grateful for everything you already have and appreciating yourself and current life situation catapults your life . Once you achieve your goal, you should never neglect the power of manifesting. You might be excited and quickly forget that you got what you have asked for. However, you need to stay focused and go back to the beginning. Think about the entire process, your first thought, and how you started to visualize your goal. Recognize the potential of the process of manifesting and emphasize everything good about it.

Finish the process with reflecting on where you were versus where you are now and remind yourself that you have the power to change anything you want in your life!

Signs Your Manifestation Is Close

Your mind has a fundamental role in the manifestation process. Success depends on your ability to believe, visualize, and focus on positivity. When you start the manifesting process, all you think about is your dreams and goals. You are probably impatient to get there, but here are some signs can indicate your manifestation is close.

  • Hearing about your desires: this could be something subtle like scrolling your social media account or overhearing other people’s conversations. It might seem that everyone knows your desires before you even tell them;
  • Feeling excited: if you feel that something inside you is shaky in a positive way, if you feel some kind of excitement for no apparent reason, it could mean the manifestation is close;
  • Repeating numbers: do you believe in numerology? Numbers often have important meanings, so don’t neglect them;
  • Other people talking about your goals: people you spend the most time with know your dreams and desires, but if you notice that people in your life talk about the goals you are trying to manifest, there is a reason for you to be happy.


Remember, we are ALWAYS manifesting, whether it’s positive or negative. You are the master of your life and only you have the power to improve it or make it worse. Choose to use the power of your might, inspired actions, and feelings of gratitude. You and your life are already amazing, you just need to do the work and tap in.

It’s better over here!

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